Inside Market Hall
25 August 2010
From the Seas of Spain
In researching this weeks' newsletter, we stumbled upon a piece in the New York Times from August 1997 - "Canned Tuna: In Search of Flavor and Texture". This rather exhaustive piece chron...

18 August 2010
Chai Tea, Sangria and Ginger "Martinis"
Drinks are as important a part of any good meal or party as the food itself. Whether it's breakfast for one on the couch in front of the morning news or a dinner party for 12, it's important to con...

11 August 2010
Stone Fruit Scorpacciata
Mid-summer is the apex of stone fruit season and this is the time to revel in their juicy sweetness. Peaches, plums, pluots, apricots and cherries are all plentiful, inexpensive and at their ...

14 July 2010
Metrosideros excelsa & Turkish Delight
Rangitoto Island, New ZealandThis tiny, unpopulated island is a stone's throw from Auckland - but a world away from the modern city. The volcanic island is home to some incredible species of flora...
07 July 2010
It's TOO Hot to Cook!
From Florida to Seattle, New York to Arizona - it is HOT out there this week! With temperatures rocketing up to 100 degrees, it's safe to say that the last thing any of us want to do is crowd into ...
23 June 2010
A Tale of Three Oils
It's such a simple combination and we've all done it dozens of times...olive oil and lemon. Whether you're making a quick dressing for a salad, seasoning a sauté of vegetables or marinating m...

24 February 2010
Lenticchie and Lentilles
We talk a lot about pantry staples - extra virgin olive oils and vinegars, salts and spices, pasta and grains - but one that we've neglected to mention is lentils.One of our favorite dishes on a co...